Click for Cats 2024 Winners:
FoFF is committed to helping feral cats in southern Maine.
Our mission is to humanely reduce the number of feral cats in our communities through trapping, neutering, and then releasing them back to their colony sites (a method called Trap-Neuter-Return or TNR). In time, the colonies’ populations shrink due to lack of reproduction.
We provide the colonies with food and water regularly and monitor them for new, sick, or injured members who need medical attention. We also find barn homes for some of the cats, and we foster and socialize kittens to prepare them for adoption. Our efforts include public education and fundraising to support the ongoing need for food and medical care.
Explore this website to learn more about our vital work, and consider supporting this cause by making a donation, volunteering, fostering, adopting…or all of the above!
All donations are tax-deductible, much needed, and greatly appreciated. Please give today — Thank You!
Thank You to our Grantors
We thank the following foundations for their generosity in awarding grant money to FoFF in support of our mission this year and years past.
2nd floor of the Odd Fellows Building at Woodford’s Corner
P.O. Box 8137
Portland, ME